Friday, 27 March 2015

Evaluation part 8

From the preliminary task to the final product I feel that I have learnt a lot. Refining is key going back over things and adjusting, what helps this is feedback. The more feedback we got when creating the title sequence the more we found faults or ways to improve our idea this helped because by questioning what we was creating we went back and was able to create and edit so that our story was more clear. For example due to the order the footage was in the audience was given the impression that the woman was his target and he was going to shoot her. To solve this we placed the push tracking shot of the door after the shooting scene to give the audience the real understanding that the man’s target was his home.

Creativity, research and planning was mine and Michaels best areas, from the start we had an idea strait away of what we wanted and our planning was strong. We produced a clear story board and I animated what we wanted our title sequence to roughly look like.

Our less successful area of creating the title sequence would be digital technology at the beginning as we used the wrong type of camera which had negative effects on the overall video quality which caused us to reshoot.  The editing software caused issues as we could not add effects or render work at some points during production this caused us to slow down our working speed however we looked for other elements to work on such as sound to be used in the title sequence.

evaluation part 6

We attracted male audiences using mise en scene, we feature weaponry such as guns which males are stereotyped to like and find fascinating. especially as there are war games like battlefield and modern warfare which are predominantly played by males.

Our title sequence attracts females due to the planning and idea of a wedding happening within the film the magazines used show dresses that every woman would want and also shows jewellery such as the rings which is something women would be stereotypically interested in.

I feel we successfully reached our audience as we produced a title sequence that show male and female interests such as jewellery and wedding material for women and weaponry that would interest men. our title sequence is also realistic and mature which is what the target audience would want as there interested in finding out about real experiences and action that revolves around a soldiers life.

feedback we was given was that the shot of the wedding rings was good as it clearly showed marriage and romance so when we re-filmed we tried to keep that feel of the scene but aimed to make it visually better by increasing the amount of light in the scene so that the jewellery would shine more.

the least successful part of the title sequence according to feedback was how the shoes were placed infront of a door in which they felt it was too staged so when re filming we placed them by a wall to make it seem more spontaneous and real.

evaluation part 5

Our characters in the film Half-way home are British and this has been represented to the audience through the stereotype that British people drink tea. This is done using mise en scene in the shot were the female makes herself a hot drink which we decided should be tea because of where she comes from and other cultures relate tea drinkers to British society. We also represented soldiers as people who are distant from family as in our title sequence we never showed the male and female in the same scene suggesting they are apart from each other, we tried to emphasise this a lot using mise en scene and cinematography to create symbolism like the couples items being apart and distant this is done to reflect that he is a soldier and away goes away from home.

 Our title sequence also represents men as having more outdoor life styles and doing more active activates as the man is shooting outside compared to the woman who is only showed indoors. The title sequence is also stereotypical of women suggesting they like to look at magazines as the female character observes a wedding magazine when planning for her own wedding.

The man also uses a gun (air rifle) in the title sequence this is aimed to express that the man is in the army as they are usually the only people allowed to shoot so by showing him holding a gun the aim was to present him as a soldier which he is. Being a soldier he is also presented as strong and dominant this is a stereotypical view and attitude about men this is important because the male character fight his way to get back home to his fiancée in the film.

Evaluation part 2

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Evaluation part 3

Evaluation part 7

Evaluation part 1: Brief

I worked alongside Michael and our brief was to create a story for a film and produce a title sequence for the film idea. We came up with three film names and collected opinions from audiences and as a result of the research, we went with the title 'Half-way home'. Me and Michael wanted to create an action based film but didn't want the typical single genre so we decided to add romance making the film an action-romance which we was both happy with. also this multi-genre allowed us to attract a wider audience (females).

In our title sequence we have placed symbolic clues and meaning using mise en scene and cinematography. for example  the camera tracks upwards from the plane so that it vanishes below this a subtle insight into what shall happen as in the story the soldiers plane goes down. we also separate the man and woman onto two sides of the screen this shows there distance, especially when there objects are in the same scene like the shoes there is distance between them because in the film the move apart.

news report second edit

the news report final cut

Final cut

This is the final cut of our title sequence we added music and credits to the video.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

video cut 8

This is cut 8 of changes to the video however now we need to apply music and credits to finish the title sequence. To get to this point we trimmed clips we thought were too long and deleted one of the stirring scenes as we felt it was too repeated and didn't want that. We are happy with the outcome of using  DSLRs to film as we feel it title sequence is better visual quality as we was able to focus and blur out the background. We also like the timing of the sequence and we feel it is not too long or too short.

video of our second pitch


first cut of title sequence

This is the first cut of our title sequence.

example animation of our title sequence


This is the animation i created which we presented to the class during our second pitch.

The animation is designed to show what we want our title sequence to look like. The animation includes shots and camera angles we want to shoot, and also camera movement we want to add.

uk gun laws

The laws for owning air rifles and there usage can be found on The British association for shooting & conservation (BASC) website:

The main rules for using an air rifle is not to point the gun in a direction that could be dangerous if its loaded or not. following this rules stops any accidental vandalism like breakages and stops people getting hurt.

Air rifles are classified as firearms meaning there are at least 38 offences if the laws are not followed. Although they are classed as firearms if the gun is under 12ft/lb in power you do not need a firearms certificate.

Being 18 means that there are no restrictions on buying, using  or owning a legal air rifle. also shooting an air rifle is allowed anywhere as long as you have permission from the land owner.

the gun used

For the filming we had the choice of two guns a .22 calibre air rifle and a .177 calibre air rifle.
We chose the .177 air rifle that was a vintage Ussr made gun because it looked better than the larger calibre gun also it was easier to work with as it had  a scope attached.


we plan to film the gun scenes at frylands wood activity centre because it has the equipment we need ( air rifles and shooting range).

For the indoor scenes with the woman we plan to use my house as the setting.

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

video cut 7

After editing further the second 7th cut of the title sequence is a lot shorter and near the 2 minute mark with is ideal. We took out more of the woman in bed because we felt like the moment lasted too long, it was not so much of a significant part of the storyline in our title sequence. However we kept one shot because it shows that someone was on the other side of the bed which is the male (fiancée), so this scene begins to show the link between the two of them.

new rifle shooting location

the original shooting location was on the edge of London which was far to travel also it cost to film there so we found somewhere closer to film which  didn't cost us. We decided to reshoot the air rifle shooting and target scenes at a friends back garden we are also allowed to use two air rifles to shoot with. This gives us more freedom to film as we would have unlimited time to record.

mise en sen list

List of props we will need for filming:
gun: options are an airsoft gun because they are replicas of real life guns or we could use an air rifle because they have a nicer feel and look because they have recoil ,there made of wood and metal unlike airsoft guns and when an air rifle shoots its harder to see the projectile which makes it look and feel more like a rifle.
two wedding rings: this is to show the couple are getting married we feel showing this is really important because it is a main part of the film idea that they are engaged.
a wedding magazine: this shows the audience that there is a wedding being planned which in the film gets disrupted by the man going to war.
Wedding dress: this is also to highlight that there will be a wedding.
targets: to shoot at.
boots and high heels: this is to show that the man is tough and in the army and the high heels show she is a woman and they give an impression that she dresses for an occasion like the wedding.
plane: we want a plane because in one shot the camera moves up making the plane look like its going down, this is symbolic because in the story the man is in a plane crash.
calendar: to show that a wedding is planned on dates.
picture frame: to put a picture of a the guy in army uniform in to show he is a soldier.

Not using news report

We decided not to use the news report scene we created in the title sequence. the reason we didn't use the news report is that we felt the actor did not give a serious performance as he seemed to happy which did not match what was going on in the back ground. Also the style of the news report didn't seem to match the other shots in our title sequence, it felt too tacky and fake.

title sequence ending eperimentation

From the feedback it was shown that the title sequence ends too abruptly. to solve this we added fade outs the end of the shot of the phone the text ran over and faded out after this gave the white text a black background for a few seconds which I really liked. finally I faded out the music and stretched the fade so it would slowly end. After the editing I watched it all and found the title sequence ended a lot smoother and I am very happy the changes were made.

Filming equipment

To film the title sequence we will need.

2 cameras: this is so we can film the same scene from two angles in one take. this creates better continuity and smooth transition from angles.

2 tripods: this is so when we film using two cameras both are able to be steady when recording.

1 dolly: a dolly would be useful to film smooth tracking shots without having the shake which a steady cam would give.

story issues with video

After looking back at the title sequence and looking at the feedback given, the first draft gives the impression that the man is going to kill the woman. This is because the dress scene fades to a target that gets shot so it looks like he's going to shoot her. to solve this issue we decided to change the order of the scenes so that the target would not appear near something of her to avoid the impression that she is the target.

Monday, 23 March 2015

starting of editing

today we started editing, we put all of our videos that were .MOV into one folder and then using  a program called Mpeg streamclip which converts media files we changed the .MOV files to DV.
Once all the videos were converted we imported them to final cut pro were we could start editing and from then on we organised which order the clips went in and cut them down if they were to long.

smooth cam issues

we have had issues with smooth cam were at the beginning of the clip it is smooth but then at the end it glitches and jumps, it seems no matter what we do to fix this problem it doesn't work. so we will have to start the smooth cam over again without credits over the video because we think that could be the reason its jumping.

re shooting plane scene

Today me and Michael decided to reshoot the scene were the camera tracks from a plane to a picture on the wall. we reshot this because steady cam didn't work it was too shaky. To solve this we decided it would be smoother if the camera was running along a solid sturdy surface. we got a plan of wood and rested it at an angle then placed a book which the camera sat on top of and we pushed the book up the plank of wood. This created a smooth scene and we was really happy with the shot.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

video cut 6

This is the sixth cut of our title sequence. here we have taken out some of the scenes we feel make the video too long but does not add anything for example we took out the part where the woman gets out of bed not only is it unnecessary but it does not match the lighting in the other shots of the bedroom. we also took away the push on the door as we didn't like the effect the sun had, it created light shapes on the lens which we found distracting.

After looking over the video multiple times we noticed the woman features more than the man however we wanted to keep an equal balance which is why we put in so many shots that involved her because the previous cuts were more focused on the man.

video cut 5

After re-filming everything with DSLR cameras and other camera equipment this is the first new edit using the latest final cut pro. We added some new scenes that we thought would improve the story and express our symbolic messages better and we also deleted some shots that we didn't like or just thought something else worked better. This cut of the title sequence is also too long at over 3 minutes but this features all the footage we liked so now we can cut down what we want, don't want and need which will eventually make it shorter.

Friday, 20 March 2015

smooth cam

Some of our shots were we tried to do steady cam turned out really shaky however we was told about a effect that makes the video less shaky during our feedback. the effect is called smooth cam and it should make the video look much better however we have been told it takes a while to render.

Thursday, 19 March 2015

third cut of title sequence

THis is the third cut of our title sequence. one main issue with this is the steady came of the calendar and the tracking shot from plane to photo is too shaky. Also the image quality on some shots are poor and its been suggested to re do them on a better camera.

Sunday, 15 March 2015

second day of filming

Today we filmed the indoor scenes of the woman reading the wedding magazine and filmed objects around the house that we wanted to use to have symbolic meaning and give hints to what happens further on in the film.

Thursday, 12 March 2015

green screen

using a green screen enables us to place someone in front of a video this is done by recording a person in front of a green screen. when editing you remove all the green and the video behind becomes visible.

Wednesday, 25 February 2015

creating news report

We couldn't find a news report that we liked on youtube or on the BBC news website, the reports that we found were too long and did not show a reporter in the scene which is what we wanted.

to solve this issue we have decided to create our own news report using videos of war and the green screen to place person over the video.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

songs and music

We looked for music on Audionetwork because it is free on school server also it is all un copywrited music we found some music that interested us by an artist called terry divine king and we have chosen one of his songs to use for our title sequence as we feel it fits the mood of our film.

Friday, 20 February 2015

looking for news report

we are looking for news reports on youtube which we plan to use in our title sequence for a short scene. its hard to find one that we want because we want a typical news report were there is a reporter and the action is going on behind them.

Some of the news report we found:

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

first day of filming

Today me and Michael went to Fryland woods activity centre and used the air rifle range to film the shooting scene for the title sequence, we spent half an hour filming and im happy with the footage gained from the visit.

Sunday, 15 February 2015


This is the selection of text we have found that we liked we have shown them to our audience and the majority prefer the top font, so that is what we plan to use for our main title font.

Thursday, 12 February 2015

editing software

final cut pro

final cut pro is a video editing software that is only for apple products such as macs it enables us to create and edit videos and then export them. the software has a variety of tools and effects that are helpful when editing and gives a good quality finish.

we use final cut pro because it is on the macs which are widely available in school and I find them much easier to use.

The only issue I have is when others are logged onto macs the program becomes slow and often freezes however during editing our title sequence we had problems with effects in which they would not work or render.

Thursday, 5 February 2015

second pitch

Pitch2 from MichaelEllis13

This is mine and Michaels seconds pitch to the class we changed certain areas that were highlighted by the class as things that didn't work or needed improving.

We specified who our target audience was instead of just having an age range,
we also included a similar title sequence that shows aspects of what we want our title sequence to look like. accompanied to this was a short animation i created to show the scenes and some camera movement we wanted in our title sequence as well.

first pitch

 This is the first pitch, we talk about the actors we want to use and who we want to direct the film. we propose a £78 million budget for the film however we need to explain why we need a budget of that size. we discuss the narrative and the plot of our story however the narrative needs an ending.

Our story based on Todorov's narrative theory

Equilibrium: In the beginning there is couple who are engaged and planning their wedding.

Disruption: The man is called to duty for another tour at war so he has to leave fiancee.

Disruption 2: The man goes missing while at war.

Recognition of the disruption: The army call the woman to tell her the man is missing in action and is unlikely to be alive.

Attempt to repair damage: The man is actually alive and tries to make it back to the woman however the woman is being persuaded to move on.

New equilibrium: The man makes it back to find his fiancee has moved on, he decides that it is best she doesn't know he is still live.

Saul bass title sequence designer


Saul bass from leannacatherina

We looked at the graphic designer Saul bass who had created title sequences for films.

Saul bass studied design and the art students league in manhattan, he took up apprenticeships with firms in design and also done freelance work. His work was generally posters which used simple shapes that had symbolic meaning this is usually one image that stands out.

After creating a poster for a film director named Otto Preminger, he was invited to make the title sequence for the film. This was Saul bass's big break and this lead him to create title sequences for many other films such as 'Goodfellas', 'Cape fear', 'psycho' by Alfred Hitchcock and more.

Video of our first pitch


This is a video of me and Michael pitching to the class.

First pitch feedback

Feedback from the class

Our feedback is generally positive, people liked the title 'heart of war' however we have discovered a film with this title to we will consider other names. The choice of actors was good people thought they would suit the roles we had chosen for them the budget was also well approved by most.

From the feedback it was suggested we state who the primary target audience and any secondary audiences. The timing of release has to be changed as the next star wars film will be released around the same time making our film less successful at box office. We also need to think more about the ending of the film as that was not made clear in the pitch.

Story Board

The story board for our title sequence.

Thursday, 15 January 2015

zombieland title sequence analysis

From the title sequence the audience can see that the film is set in modern day America during a apocalypse outbreak. The title sequence shows this through mise en scene throughout, the first scene is set at an American style prison which consists of towers and barbed wire fencing stating it's in America. Chaos is shown by a prisoner in an orange jumpsuit throwing a man in uniform off of the tower suggesting that there is a loss of organised society in the film. The zombies in the title sequence tells the audience it is set in a apocalypse, in the scenes there is a consistently higher ratio of zombies to humans showing there is an outbreak.

The title presents the film as horror , zombie and comedy this is shown as there is a three legged race which zombies are involved in and there is a zombie stripper running which is black comedy because you would not expect to see zombies doing these kind of things.

During the title sequence we see key elements that tell us it is a zombie film there are mutilated people  covered in blood chasing normal people this is something you would expect from a film based on a zombie apocalypse.

The title sequence has no narrative it only shows what is happening at the time to show us there is a zombie out break.

The title sequence does not show the audience who the main characters are.


Thursday, 8 January 2015

coursework title sequence

Today we began to look at producing a title sequence this included discussing what a title sequence is, why they are important and applying STINCS to a title sequence.

STINCS is an acronym which stands for:

Setting - Time and place
Theme - Genere of the film
Iconography - Things that are relevant to the genre
Narrative - What the story is about
Characters - a person in the story
Style - cinematography, sound, editing and mise en scene